What metrics should I measure on social media?

When it comes to measuring your social media success, you can start with the basics. Are you increasing your impressions? Are people engaging with your posts? Are they mentioning you in their own posts?
You may also want to consider how many people are clicking on your website from social referrals. If social media is a major part of your marketing strategy, these numbers will give you a good idea of how it's working for you.
The best way to understand how social media affects your bottom line is by taking a look at these metrics in tandem with other channels. For example, if paid advertising isn't bringing in qualified leads, but social media seems to be producing better results, there might be an opportunity there!
The social networking measures your company uses to measure success or find opportunities should be based on your business goals. These are common indicators used to measure the impact of social media marketing:
- Impressions - Are you increasing the number of people who see your brand on social media?
- Engagement - Do people join the conversation and share your posts?
- Mentions - How often do people talk about your brand?
- Social Referral Traffic - How many people click on your website?
- Followers - How many people are on your immediate social networks?
To get the best picture of how social media benefits your business, check out social media metrics in tandem with other channels. For example, are potential customers from social media referrals more qualified than those from paid networks?