Advertising on Google or Facebook?

Nikola Kalincevic
Nikola Kalincevic
24/05/2020   /   0

Both platforms can have a big impact on recruiting and bringing in new customers but they are very different fundamentally.

A user who came to your website via Google Ads was looking for a specific service or product at that time. By responding to that request, your website appeared in the search results as a paid advertisement, and you responded directly to that request.

Ads on Facebook and Instagram work differently. You are the one who is looking for customers by creating campaigns, announcements, and other actions, even though they may not be looking for you at that moment. Many go to social networks to just kill time and are not in the mood for any offers.

Of course, remarketing helps you a lot in this, to the extent that your ads may appear to someone within a few seconds of looking at a service or product that you, or others like you, offer.